Perm production of stone tiles and breeze-block.

Link to the finished site


The client's old website was outdated, out of touch with the identity and served as more of a repellent to customers.


Design a stylish corporate promotional website that gets to the heart of the target audience (which is interior designers) and add some useful features: a tile configurator, the ability to inspect a 3d model of a breeze block and download it for your own use.


We started as usual with the basic things: TOR, Structure. On this project we worked without prototypes, as they served as an existing site. By the way, this is how it looked))

image 90.png

The company already had very strong branding, with a cool metaphor. So we went to look at the media and think about how to adapt them to the website format.

Somethink about branding

The graphic is based on a checkered grid in which geometric patterns are inscribed. This is essentially a schematic representation of cement tiles and the patterns on them.

A very textured antique font has been chosen to support the idea that the technology used is rugged and the principles are old.

image 102.png


First, we decided to try to adapt the checkered grid into a web format. We tried to keep interesting patterns inscribed in the cell. We decided that in the interactive space they can appear when you point at them. By the way, the cursor itself is also in the shape of a square)